Types of Funds
E91 Foundation gives donors a variety of avenues through which to positively influence the world through evangelical organizations and projects. If you are having difficulty deciding which gift is best for you, our board members are ready to guide you.
While you may make one-time contributions on our Donate page, we can assist you in creating a fund that will make a lasting impact on future generations. Please contact us so the E91 Foundation Board can assist you in creating the right fund to meet your goals.

Unrestricted Funds
A general gift to E91 Foundation will be placed in an unrestricted fund with the foundation. The board of directors determines the grants from this fund in accordance with the policies and procedures of the board.

Designated Funds
The donor can use the foundation to support a charity chosen by the donor either for a specific project or for ongoing support. The foundation board will assist the donor in reviewing the performance of the charity to assure the donor’s intent is honored.

Planned or Deferred Gifts
Planned giving opportunities offer advantages to donors interested in current and long-term tax benefits. Donors can provide increased financial security for themselves and loved ones, while offering a substantial gift to support the foundation. These may come in the form of bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, charitable lead trusts, remainder interest in a residence or farm, gifts of life insurance, or gifts through retirement plans.

Field of Interest Funds
The Field of Interest Fund allows the donor to choose a particular area of concern or interest so that the foundation board can make grants to organizations that work and serve in that area. This allows the donor’s gift to continue to focus on the donor’s charitable interest for years to come.

Memorial and Honorarium Gifts
Memorial donations may be given as a way of remembering family and loved ones. Honorariums may be given in honor of a special occasion or in honor of a special person.

Outright Gifts
Outright gifts may allow an income tax deduction, which reduces the donor’s actual cost of the gift. Careful planning and guidance from tax professionals can make these gifts beneficial for the foundation and for the donor. This can be in the form of cash or securities.