Past Grants

Reckless Generosity: E91 Foundation Q3 2024 Update

“When God blesses you financially, don’t raise your standard of living. Raise your standard of giving.” –Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor, National Community Church, Washington, DC

“The widow of Zarephath fed Elijah even though she had but a handful of flour and a little oil in a jug (1 Kings 17:7-24),” wrote Scott Chafee in a Jan. 12, 2017, online devotional (, adding, “In this story she is recklessly generous. She gives the last of what she has to Elijah.

“We should all pause occasionally to ask if we are living with that kind of generous spirit,” continued Chafee. “Maybe we have an abundance of oil and flour in our jars. Maybe we only have a little. Maybe we have a huge flour jar, or perhaps a very small one. No matter what we have, we can still learn to live with a generous spirit.”

For more than three decades, the East 91st Street Christian Church Foundation has continued to fulfill Christ’s directive: going into the world, teaching, making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20), and meeting the physical needs of hurting people (Matthew 25:35-40). Since its founding, E91 Foundation — which has grown to a fund approaching $3 million — has granted more than $2 million to over 300 evangelical nonprofit ministries in Indianapolis and some 60 countries throughout the world. The generosity of our donors makes it all possible!

On Sunday, April 14, 2024, the East 91st Street Christian Church Foundation officially marked its 30th anniversary! To commemorate this important milestone, the following two-minute video – produced by longtime E91 church member and professional videographer Ken Nelson – was shown during E91’s church services that day:

So far, in 2024, E91 Foundation has awarded grants totaling $110,076. Following are those organizations and/or individuals that have received grants in 2024:
Afterbeat — $5,000 for school evangelism projects. Alko Stoel, Afterbeat’s CEO, recently wrote in an e-mail: “E91 Foundation has been an amazing, divine blessing to our ministry in The Netherlands. Especially locally, we have had the opportunity to go minister in schools, in our youth center, and coffee shop. On top of everything, we see our church-plant growing rapidly through this ministry.”;
Alexander Christian Foundation — $16,000 for college scholarships to Indiana students entering the ministry;
Allendale Christian Camp and Retreat Center — $8,788 to help young people connect with God in His creation through worship, study, and adventure. In a March 5, 2024, letter to E91 Foundation, Randy Pim, Camp Allendale’s Executive Director, wrote: “We would like to express our appreciation for your partnership with the ministries of Camp Allendale. Your gift is vital in providing Christian camping and quality retreat facilities for the central Indiana area. Thank you for helping further our goal of providing a dynamic environment for people to engage the living God.”;
Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI) — $2,500 to help build a sports field at MOHI’s new Discipleship Camp. On Jan. 30, 2024, Kristen Hodge, CMFI board member overseeing the Sports Ministry project in Nairobi, Kenya, and a member of the E91 Foundation board, wrote in an e-mail to E91 Foundation: “I am leading another Kilimanjaro climb to build a sports field at MOHI’s new Discipleship Camp. I absolutely loved summer camp each year at Allendale! I learned a lot about myself and Jesus, so I know how important this experience is for these children! Having a place to play at the Angaza Camp will be priceless.”;
Christian Mission for Myanmar (CMFM) — $2,000 to help provide food and supplies for students and professors at a new Bible seminary (Hangnyu Bible College) located in Northwest Myanmar, where there are a few churches, but no training for current or future ministers and evangelists to attain Biblical degrees and further their study of Scripture;
Covenant Connections — $5,000 for assistance in publishing the book, Soul Strength—Rhythms for Thriving by Dr. Alan Ahlgrim, for African and Pakistani readers. “Please convey our thanks to the board of E91 Foundation, wrote Rick Shonkwiler, Director of Operations, in a recent handwritten note, adding, “We are grateful for your belief in our mission and special project. Covenant Connections for Pastors exists to help leaders develop soul-strength. Stepping into the gap felt by leaders in Africa and Asia with books and resources is one of our endeavors. We will soon be reaching Spanish-speaking leaders as well.”;
Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ International/Keith Spence — $5,000 for funding toward the development of 18 Nepali ministry leaders as a part of a new emerging-leader initiative that our Campus Crusade for Christ ministry launched on Feb. 26, 2024. “We want to thank you for the generous grant that the E91 Foundation provided on behalf of our ministry in April of this year,” wrote Linda and Keith Spence in a thoughtful note, adding, “Your faithful partnership is helping us launch a new initiative in Nepal and is also opening the door for Gospel outreach within the Hindu-majority business community. We are very excited to see how God will work through this unique opportunity.”;
e3 Partners — $5,000 to help fund four upcoming “Four-Fields Disciple Making and Church Planting Intensive” trainings for emerging indigenous missionaries working in unreached areas of north India;
E91 Church — $25,000 for September 29, 2024, 100th Anniversary Celebration Sunday;
E91 Church/Camp Allendale — $6,500 for summer-camp scholarships. In an e-mail to the E91 Foundation, E91 Student Pastor Aaron Coon wrote: “I am so thankful for the generosity of the E91 Foundation over the years in NextGen. Donating to our scholarship fund has made a huge difference in the lives of so many families. Last year, because of the donation to our summer camps, five students from E91 who attended camps on scholarship decided to get baptized. Without the generosity of the E91 Foundation, they would not have been able to attend.”;
E91 Church/Heritage Place — $1,000 for Heritage Place preparations in conjunction with E91 Church’s 100th Anniversary Celebration during 2024. Wrote Heritage Place’s Rachel Hunter in a kind thank-you e-mail to the E91 Foundation: “Our team extends sincere appreciation to the Foundation for your generosity and commitment to making Heritage Place a truly welcoming space to honor and preserve the history of our church. Your contributions have been invaluable to us.”;
Indiana Right to Life Education Fund — $2,500 to help fund a “Love Them Both” billboard on I-465 in Indianapolis, Indiana, in Dec. 2024 that is expected to receive more than 1 million views per week;
International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) — $5,000 toward a new-church plant. Jeff Greene, IDES Advancement Director, recently wrote: “Last year, we partnered with Global Providence Gospel Network providing famine relief, which resulted in the possibility of four new church plants. We would like your help in funding one of them. The location is in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya.”;
Kairos Benevolence Fund (KBF) — $2,000 to KBF, which provides assistance to Christian church ministers, missionaries, and their spouses, who, after a lifetime of faithful Kingdom service, find themselves facing a financial or health-related hardship that they do not have the resources to meet;
New International/Josh Reynolds — $5,000 in support of the start of Josh’s new position as the Pastor of Mobilization for New International. Writes Josh: “Our organization sends missionaries across the globe, and my division is Mobilization.”;
Polish Christian Ministries (PCM) — $8,788 toward Polish pastors’ and ministry partners’ salaries; building projects at several Polish churches; six equipping and training weekends for 125+ students at Christian School of Music; as well as food, housing, and special care for Ukrainian refugees;
Shepherd Community Center — $5,000 to provide expanded programming to our neighborhood students.

Today, the Foundation continues to provide members and friends with an opportunity to leave a long-lasting legacy of Christian service and missions through bequests, memorials, and gifts. The Foundation adheres to Christian beliefs and principles and provides a vehicle for the broader Christian community to remember Christ and give a portion of their family’s final assets or unexpected proceeds back to God.

We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with us by donating to the E91 Foundation. While a board maintains the endowment and grants funds to qualifying entities, donors can make contributions for specific purposes or create an endowed fund. The board then uses the interest each year within the donor’s guidelines to fund missions and ministries. If you’re interested in making a donation or memorial gift to the E91 Foundation, we can accept cash, check, or an on-line donation via the Foundation’s website. If you have a check, please make it payable to “E91 Foundation” and mail it to: E91 Foundation, PO Box 50704, Indianapolis, IN 46250. Any Foundation board member is also able to accept donations, answer questions, and help you through the process, or you can visit to get more information or to contact us to help expand God’s kingdom. Please consider – if you haven’t already — leaving a lasting legacy for the support of Christian service.

Continued Chafee: “If you were the widow in this story, how do you think you would have responded to Elijah’s request? What an amazing example for all of us!”
Reckless generosity, indeed!

Blair and Beth Austin, Co-Presidents
E91 Foundation
“Excel in the Grace of Giving” (2 Corinthians 8:7)

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